New Number: 6.17 | AESZ: | Superseeker: 2 224/9 | Hash: bbcabbebf6c04783d4ec5d0a5664f174
Degree: 6
\(\theta^4-x\left(14+73\theta+154\theta^2+162\theta^3+81\theta^4\right)+x^{2}\left(3256+11390\theta+15571\theta^2+9876\theta^3+2469\theta^4\right)-x^{3}\left(162708+457536\theta+476503\theta^2+215994\theta^3+35999\theta^4\right)+2 3 5 x^{4}\left(8837\theta^4+70696\theta^3+200535\theta^2+236572\theta+98316\right)-2^{2} 3^{2} 5^{2} 7 x^{5}(\theta+4)(\theta+1)(151\theta^2+755\theta+850)+2^{3} 3^{3} 5^{3} 7^{2} x^{6}(\theta+5)(\theta+4)(\theta+2)(\theta+1)\)
Maple LaTexCoefficients of the holomorphic solution: 1, 14, 220, 3800, 70840, ... --> OEIS Normalized instanton numbers (n0=1): 2, -4, 224/9, -112, 4446/5, ... ; Common denominator:...
\(0\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 30}\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 21}\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 14}\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 6}\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 5}\) | \(\infty\) |
\(0\) | \(0\) | \(0\) | \(0\) | \(0\) | \(0\) | \(1\) |
\(0\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 2}\) | \(2\) |
\(0\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(\frac{ 1}{ 2}\) | \(4\) |
\(0\) | \(2\) | \(2\) | \(2\) | \(2\) | \(1\) | \(5\) |
New Number: 6.35 | AESZ: | Superseeker: 2 224/9 | Hash: 31d226ff68f616edaab012f85462b8e9
Degree: 6
\(\theta^4-x\left(9+48\theta+104\theta^2+112\theta^3+41\theta^4\right)+2 x^{2}\left(167\theta^4+1358\theta^3+2593\theta^2+1990\theta+573\right)+2 x^{3}\left(1273\theta^4-822\theta^3-16239\theta^2-22188\theta-9009\right)-5 x^{4}\left(3923\theta^4+29740\theta^3+51878\theta^2+33360\theta+6534\right)-5^{2} x^{5}(\theta+1)(2929\theta^3+4467\theta^2-1969\theta-4047)+2^{2} 3^{2} 5^{4} x^{6}(\theta+2)(\theta+1)(2\theta+3)^2\)
Maple LaTexCoefficients of the holomorphic solution: 1, 9, 105, 1425, 21465, ... --> OEIS Normalized instanton numbers (n0=1): 2, -4, 224/9, -112, 4446/5, ... ; Common denominator:...
No data for singularities