
You searched for: inst=17891650

Your search produced exactly one match


New Number: 4.15 |  AESZ:  |  Superseeker: -76 415420  |  Hash: d8c866a60b2b4edb0c88e03315fa2a7b  

Degree: 4

\(\theta^4-2^{2} x\left(448\theta^4+896\theta^3+1077\theta^2+629\theta+142\right)+2^{7} x^{2}\left(11456\theta^4+45824\theta^3+86434\theta^2+81220\theta+30693\right)-2^{12} 3^{4} x^{3}(448\theta^2+1344\theta+1343)(2\theta+3)^2+2^{18} 3^{8} x^{4}(2\theta+3)(2\theta+5)(4\theta+7)(4\theta+9)\)

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Coefficients of the holomorphic solution: 1, 568, 207720, 25669504, -32774007128, ...
--> OEIS
Normalized instanton numbers (n0=1): -76, 2958, 415420, 17891650, -1211214176, ... ; Common denominator:...



Local exponents

\(0\)\(s_1\)\(s_2\)\(\frac{ 7}{ 5184}-\frac{ 1}{ 1296}\sqrt{ 2}I\)\(\frac{ 7}{ 5184}+\frac{ 1}{ 1296}\sqrt{ 2}I\)\(\infty\)
\(0\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(0\)\(0\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)
\(0\)\(0\)\(0\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 7}{ 4}\)
\(0\)\(1\)\(1\)\(1\)\(1\)\(\frac{ 9}{ 4}\)
\(0\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 5}{ 2}\)


YY-Operator equivalent to AESZ 152 $=C \ast \delta ~tilde \alpha \ast i$

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