
You searched for: inst=118/5

Your search produced exactly one match


New Number: 5.1 |  AESZ: 17  |  Superseeker: 6/5 118/5  |  Hash: 370d10edbf5900002f79cf6163e106a5  

Degree: 5

\(5^{2} \theta^4-3 5 x\left(51\theta^4+84\theta^3+72\theta^2+30\theta+5\right)+2 3 x^{2}\left(531\theta^4+828\theta^3+541\theta^2+155\theta+15\right)-2 3^{3} x^{3}\left(423\theta^4+2160\theta^3+4399\theta^2+3795\theta+1170\right)+3^{5} x^{4}\left(279\theta^4+1368\theta^3+2270\theta^2+1586\theta+402\right)-3^{10} x^{5}\left((\theta+1)^4\right)\)

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Coefficients of the holomorphic solution: 1, 3, 27, 381, 6219, ...
--> OEIS
Normalized instanton numbers (n0=1): 6/5, 39/10, 118/5, 1443/10, 6108/5, ... ; Common denominator:...



Local exponents

\(0-\frac{ 1}{ 9}\sqrt{ 3}I\)\(0\)\(0+\frac{ 1}{ 9}\sqrt{ 3}I\)\(\frac{ 1}{ 27}\)\(\frac{ 5}{ 9}\)\(\infty\)


There is a second MUM-point at infinity,
corresponding to Operator AESZ 290/5.71
A-Incarnation: diagonal subfamily 1,1,1-section in $P^2 \times P^2 \times P^2$

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