
You searched for: inst=-246612212640

Your search produced exactly one match


New Number: 4.14 |  AESZ:  |  Superseeker: -340 -15174100/3  |  Hash: a961869d91c2f73091913e8f8c4b5fa0  

Degree: 4

\(\theta^4-2^{2} x\left(1088\theta^4+2176\theta^3+2579\theta^2+1491\theta+330\right)+2^{7} 3 x^{2}\left(12352\theta^4+49408\theta^3+74070\theta^2+49324\theta+12325\right)-2^{12} x^{3}(1088\theta^2+3264\theta+3225)(2\theta+3)^2+2^{18} x^{4}(2\theta+3)(2\theta+5)(4\theta+7)(4\theta+9)\)

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Coefficients of the holomorphic solution: 1, 1320, 2233320, 4108451200, 7880762169000, ...
--> OEIS
Normalized instanton numbers (n0=1): -340, -31985, -15174100/3, -1036481610, -246612212640, ... ; Common denominator:...



Local exponents

\(0\)\(s_1\)\(s_2\)\(\frac{ 17}{ 64}-\frac{ 3}{ 16}\sqrt{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 17}{ 64}+\frac{ 3}{ 16}\sqrt{ 2}\)\(\infty\)
\(0\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(0\)\(0\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)
\(0\)\(0\)\(0\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(-\frac{ 1}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 7}{ 4}\)
\(0\)\(1\)\(1\)\(1\)\(1\)\(\frac{ 9}{ 4}\)
\(0\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 3}{ 2}\)\(\frac{ 5}{ 2}\)


YY-Operator equivalent to AESZ 52 $=C \ast \gamma \tilde g \ast i$

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